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Welcome to Camp Lu Lay Lea!!

Camp Lu Lay Lea is a Christian summer camp now entering its 77th  summer of operation. We are open to boys and girls ages 8-14. Lu Lay Lea is located on picturesque Henderson Lake in one of the state’s loveliest regions, with abundant trees and foliage providing a gorgeous backdrop for camp activity. We offer seven one-week sessions, each accommodating up to 86 campers per week (Sunday through Saturday).


At Camp Lu Lay Lea, campers have the ability to participate in archery, boating, campfires, chapel, arts and crafts, gaga ball, confidence course activities, weekly dance, devotions, three games a day,  new adventures, fort building and exploring nature, quest groups, skits, and story telling, fishing, singing, swimming, making new friends, and so much more! It's an unforgettable experience for any child. We are thrilled to have generation after generation attend the camp and want to continue passing on its traditions year after year.


Camp Lu Lay Lea is licensed by the State of Michigan and is regularly inspected by county and state authorities. The camp is a Recognized Service Organization (ROS) of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) and was established in 1948.


It is our mission to operate and maintain a Christian youth camp, espousing Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) beliefs, for youth, especially LCMS youth, in the Saginaw Valley and southeast Michigan regions.

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